What are the magical properties of pearl?
As one of just four organic gemstones, pearls have been revered for centuries — in fact, they were once considered the most valuable gemstones in the world. A gift of the sea, they’re thought to have potent magical properties.
What are pearls?
Pearls are truly by and of the sea — and one of just four organic gemstones (the others being jet, coral and amber).
Pearls are formed when a bit of grit or sand gets into the shell of a mollusk, which is a type of sea creature with a hard shell. The piece of sand is painful, like getting dirt in your eye. But the mollusk cannot spit or rub the grit out, so instead it builds a protective barrier around it to avoid irritation. This barrier is made of a substance called nacre, which has a beautiful sheen.
Humanity long ago raided all of the world’s natural pearl beds, which means that most of the pearls you can buy today are fake, or ‘imitation pearls’. Usually these are plastic painted with a special kind of paint, which makes them appear to shimmer like natural pearls. Imitation pearls carry none of the metaphysical or spiritual characteristics of ‘real’ pearls.
We say ‘real’ because most pearls sold nowadays are are not natural, which is where the pearl has grown spontaneously. Instead, they’re cultured, which means they’re made intentionally — essentially farmed. Most ‘real’ pearls are actually mostly a mother-of-pearl bead, which is inserted into a mollosk and then covered by the natural nacre. As such, pearls can be quite delicate.
At Cunningfolk, we only use keshi pearls. These are irregular pearls which form spontaneously — so like natural pearls — in mollusks developing cultured pearls. They’re some of the closest gems to natural pearls a person can buy in today’s world.
What are the magical and healing properties of pearls?
Pearls are a gemstone born of water, and they carry water energy with them always. Like water, they’re a stone of balance, grace, harmony and wisdom.
These stones are born, not made, and so are deeply connected to the natural world. They spend their formative years in the tides, and so are deeply aligned with moon magic. This is a fantastic gem to help you find balance and cope with change, and comes charged with the wisdom of ages.
How do I use pearl?
Pearl is a powerful crystal, and can be used in many ways.
You can mediate with pearl or pearl jewellery. Simply cup the pearl or the pearl jewellery in your hands (or, if you’re wearing it, press your fingers against it) and feel the gem against your skin. Clear your mind, and focus on how the stone feels on your body or in your hand. Meditate for a moment on the stone, and the ways in which you would like it to work for you.
You can also use amethyst and its magical properties in rituals, spells and simply by wearing it on your person in your day-to-day life. Check our blog for more details.
How can pearl help me?
Pearl is deeply connected to the ocean, and all that it represents. This is a gem about finding balance and wisdom; working with the natural ebbs and flows of nature; and retaining a kind of purity through the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (as Shakespeare once wrote).
How do I get my pearl to work?
There is no direct scientific evidence that pearls’ healing properties have a direct impact on your mental or physical health. But pearls have been valued for centuries, and the cunningfolk of history have passed down rituals to make pearls a valuable part of your spiritual practice.
Many cunningpeople empower their pearls or pearl jewellery with an intention. To do this, decide what you would like your pearl or pearl jewellery to help you accomplish. If you bought your pearl jewellery from Cunningfolk, it will be charged by the moonlight and primed to accept this intention. If you bought it elsewhere, you may want to cleanse and charge your gem before you begin.
Once your pearl or pearl jewellery is cleansed and charged, sit with it in a quiet, peaceful room. Cup it in your hands. Meditate for a few minutes on what you would like it to help you with. Are you struggling to find balance in the midst of change? Are you seeking an expansive wisdom? Does your spiritual quest call you to the ocean? Would you like to carry a small part of its awe-inspiring power with you at all times?
Keep your pearl gem or pearl jewellery on or near your body, where you’ll see it often. Every time you glance at it, your intention will come to the forefront of your mind. And you’ll be reminded of your goals — with the help of your pearl gem jewellery, of course.